Speyer Cathedral, Germany, 1030--1182: Early form; Plan; Nave Piers; Nave view

Experiments in rib vaulting at Durham Cathedral, England: c. 1093ff, vaulted ca. 1130; prototype "flying buttress" (actually quadrant arch in gallery)

Caen, France, St. Etienne (Abbaye aux Hommes), c. 1067-87: "folded" square bay shape; true six-rib vaults around 1100 or 1120


St.-Trinite, Caen, France, c. 1062, vaulted around 1135: pseudo-sexpartite vaults in domical square bays with false six-rib configuation.

Abbey church of St.-Denis, outside Paris, east end, 1140-1144: plan of Abbot Suger's new ambulatory and apse; interior view of new ambulatory

Notre-Dame, Paris, first real flying buttress, ca. 1180; facade ca. 1200--1250

Beauvais Cathedral, collapsed after 1225, perhaps because of poor central pier


Amiens Cathedral, begun 1220, completed about 1275: vaults; transverse section through choir; interior nave elevation; aerial view; facade view today

Ste.-Chapelle, Paris, 1243-48: old miniature view of interior; interior today

Chartres Cathedral, interior, begun 1194: nave interior; side aisle view; detail clerestory, triforium, and springing of rib vaults